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New Whitepaper: Advantages of Cloud Storage in process recording

Traditional paper charts are widely considered inefficient and risk prone. This white paper provides an in-depth analysis of paper charts cloud storage and paperless process recorders like the PPR, with Legendary software.

18 Jan 2024

As the digitization of industries accelerates, the need for a more efficient, secure, and scalable method for record-keeping in food processing and pasteurization has become increasingly apparent. Traditional paper charts, once the backbone of data storage across sectors, are now widely considered inefficient and risk prone.
A team of specialists have created a white paper which provides an in-depth analysis of paper charts cloud storage and paperless process recorders like the PPR, with Legendary software. We will discuss concerns many food processing customers have voiced over paper chart recorders and how cloud storage offers unparalleled benefits in terms of security, accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and environmental sustainability.

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