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Weighing Systems

Turn your vessel into a weighing scale

In many applications, weighing systems for content measurement offer a more practical and precise solution than other technologies. With the field-proven Kistler-Morse sensor program, we offer precise, robust and efficient solutions in this measuring ...

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Food, Beverage and Dairy
Microcell Bolt-On Load Cells - Weighing Systems - Img  - anderson-negele

Microcell Bolt-On Load Cells

Bolt-on strain gauge sensors for vessels with metal substructures and skirted silos

Food, Beverage and Dairy
L-Cell Bolt-on Load Cells - Weighing Systems - Img  - anderson-negele

L-Cell Bolt-on Load Cells

Bolt-on dual-axis shear force sensors for all types of vessels with metal supports and skirted silos

Food, Beverage and Dairy
LD360s Load Disc - Weighing Systems - Img  - anderson-negele

LD360s Load Disc

The Sanitary Specialist: Dynamic content measurement through precise weight measurement, polished design for all hygienic applications

Food, Beverage and Dairy
LD3 Load Disc - Weighing Systems - Img  - anderson-negele

LD3 Load Disc

The Allrounder: Dynamic content monitoring through precise weight measurement, for all industrial applications

Food, Beverage and Dairy
LD3xi Load Disc - Weighing Systems - Img  - anderson-negele

LD3xi Load Disc

The High-Precision Process Expert: Up to 0.03% accuracy in dynamic content control through weight measurement

Food, Beverage and Dairy
LD3xiC Load Disc - Weighing Systems - Img  - anderson-negele

LD3xiC Load Disc

The High-Precision Process Expert: Up to 0.03% accuracy in dynamic content control through weight measurement, extremely robust design with cage

Food, Beverage and Dairy
TC1 / TC2 Tension Cell - Weighing Systems - Img  - anderson-negele

TC1 / TC2 Tension Cell

High precision process pressure measurement in pipes & hydrostatic level and volume measurement in vessels

Food, Beverage and Dairy
Load Stand II - Weighing Systems - Img  - anderson-negele

Load Stand II

The fully integrated all-in-one weighing system for all types of large containers and silos

SVS2000 Controller - Weighing Systems - Img  - anderson-negele

SVS2000 Controller

High Performance Weight Indicator with weight readout on a local display. It can connect to the KM ORB system or feed into a larger configuration.

WEIGH II CONTROLLER - Weighing Systems - Img  - anderson-negele


Multi-Vessel Weight Indicator with Local Display that can monitor up to four separate vessels, consolidating the vessel signals into one single location.

Inventory management with weighing systems

When do Weighing Systems make sense? In many process vessels, storage tanks and silos, precise content detection is a particular challenge. Classical measuring systems such as hydrostatic sensors, potentiometric probes, or radar often have their limitations. In some application environments, they are not precise, fast or flexible enough, not practical for technical reasons or not economical.

This is especially the case with:

  • Process vessels with agitator. Here, sensors that protrude into the medium cannot be installed. The amount of substance is often in motion, creating dynamic shear forces. In such containers, precisely dosed and dynamically added ingredients must also be measurable and controllable in high precision while the process is running. Closed stirring systems often work with negative or positive pressure.
  • Ingredient exchange containers such as those used for yogurt mixing, which are freely movable. For connection reasons, but also for cost reasons, these cannot be equipped individually with level sensors.
  • Horizontal tanks. Here, a small change in fill level already causes a significant change in volume; likewise, inherent movement (sloshing) of liquids can make measurement by level sensors difficult. Load cells give more reliable results here.
  • Tanks for bulk material, in which a surface measurement can be faulty due to irregular mass distribution (formation of piles, funnels, rat holes, etc.). In such tanks or silos, classic continuous level probes are often also not possible due to their size / probe length.

The solution: turn your container into a precision scale

They are new to Anderson-Negele, but have been field-proven for decades: Weighing systems for sanitary and non-sanitary applications, wet and dry goods, process and storage containers.

Weighing Systems

The inventory control by weight measurement

  • provides a reliable, highly accurate and consistent display of the actual content, regardless of its movement or distribution.
  • is completely contact-free, i.e. is not affected by movement, density, consistency or hygiene requirements of the media
  • Remains unaffected by distribution in the tank, i.e. piling, bridge or rat hole formation
  • does not require installation on the tank itself, so can ensure precise process control even when tanks are changed frequently.

Which weighing systems are available?

Thanks to a variety of measuring systems, solutions are available for almost all requirements.

Weighing modules Load Disc

The Load Disc weighing systems dynamically measure the contents of process or storage containers and precisely indicate even the slightest changes in weight. They are firmly bolted between the container feet and the foundation. The very low overall height ensures stability and tilt resistance. Transverse forces caused by agitators are compensated. Their compact, hygienic design with polished surfaces and high water resistace (NEMA / IP) class that they can be cleaned in accordance with sanitary requirements in food or pharmaceutical applications.
In addition to the Load Disc pressure measuring modules, which are mounted between the vessel and the foundation, a tension measuring module is also available . The Tension Cell is inserted between the suspension and the container body in suspended containers.

Weighimg Systems - Load Discs


  • Blending and stirring vessels
  • Bulk tanks and storage hoppers
  • For all types of dry products and liquids
  • Also for corrosive media
  • Swap vessels for mixing and blending
  • For interior and exterior installations
  • For hygienic and non-hygienic applications

Further benefits

  • Measuring accuracy up to 0.03%
  • For loads from 100 kg to 10,000 kg (150 to 22,000 lbs)
  • Vaious models for individually optimized configuration
  • Long service life due to 4-fold overload protction
  • Big variety of mounting systems for any application and ambient condition
  • Easy installation with mounting kit and connection box

Load modules Load Stand

The solid bolting makes Load Stand II a structurally load-bearing integral component and connecting element between the container base and the foundation, and ideal for large containers, tanks and skirted silos.
Thanks to the extremely long service life of the strain gauge cells and their easy replaceability, there is practically no limit to the service life of a Load Stand II.

Weighing Systems - Load Stand


  • Storage containers for all types of bulk materials and liquids
  • For all industrial sectors
  • For indoor and outdoor use

Further benefits:

  • For loads from 11 000 kg to 450 000 kg (25 000 to 1 000 000 lb) per support point
  • Measuring accuracy up to 0,2 %
  • Long service life due to the fatique life of > 20 million cycles and 200% overload protection
  • Seismic rating approved
  • High signal output for cable length of up to 600 m

Bolt-On Weighing Cells

Microcell® and L-Cell® are extremely long-lasting, reliable, and compact sensors for cost-efficient inventory measurement in all types of vessels, either with a leg support structure or skirted silos. This avoids measurement inaccuracies reliably due to material characteristics like the angle of repose, rat-holing, bridging, moisture content, compaction.
Depending on the vessel type, the sensors are mounted with bolt-on technology on the structural support members and shear beams support or structural skirt.

Weighing Systems - Bolt-On Load Cells


  • Precise, robust and retrofittable inventory measuring systems for all types of single or multiple containers
  • For metal substructures or skirted silos
  • For outdoor and indoor applications
  • From 35 t total load (vessel plus contents)
  • Mounting on structural profiles or skirts
  • Retrofitting and calibration possible at any filling level

Further benefits:

  • Measuring accuracy 3-5%
  • Long service life due to the fatique life of > 20 million cycles and 200% overload protection
  • Easy installation with mounting tool kit, materials, and junction box

Discover more on Youtube

In our webinar recordings you can get a fast and easy overview on our Weighing Systems solutions.