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M-b issued for PPR Process recorder system

25 Apr 2023

The “Memorandum of Milk Ordinance Equipment Compliance” (M-b) is a letter of conformity which is issued by the FDA to show that a particular device/system has been found to be compliant with a section or application within the “Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance” PMO. Before the FDA will issue a M-b an technical product review by one of the US Regional Dairy Equipment Review Committees is required. After several months of in-depth evaluation the committee in charge considered the digital technology of PPR and its software Legendary to be equivalent to or superior of the antiquated paper chart recorder/controllers.

A Memorandum-b gives state dairy regulators confidence that the product meets all PMO requirements and reduces the complexity and risk of each state approving a new piece of technology following their own review. The FDA has never issued a M-b for an electronic recorder/controller to be used in pasteurization applications and with the M-b-383 Anderson-Negele’s PPR now is the first and currently only digital recorder and controller to achieve this.

This memorandum also applies retrospectively to all PPRs already installed in dairies and milk processing plants across North America. This gives all users the assurance that besides benefitting from the advantages of the PPR for significantly simplified process control, quality monitoring and data archiving, they now also have an equipment M-b proving compliance to all PMO regulatory requirements.

A PPR can easily be installed in place of an existing chart recorder and connected to the same sensors, so that a changeover to digital process monitoring can be made easily, quickly and without complications.

Download here the M-B-383 for PPR Process Recorder.

For more information on the significant benefits of PPR and the accompanying Legendary software, please visit our PPR product page with “Quick Start Guide”.

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