25 Jul 2022
As an inexpensive and compact all-arounder, the electromagnetic FMQ is a versatile, robust, and reliable flowmeter for all conductive media. The performance spectrum is tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized companies in hygienic food processing. In addition to liquids, all slurries, pastes or cream-like products can also be accurately measured. When media change in a process plant, the automatic signal processing of the FMQ adjusts itself to the new product and always provides correct readings.
With FMQ, processes that were previously controlled manually or timed can be automated easily. With an operating range from 8 gal/hr to 169,000 gal/hr and a measuring accuracy of ± 5 % ± 2 mm/s, it covers most applications, including dosing, filling, and CIP process control.
The FMQ is equipped with a digital IO-Link interface in addition to a 4…20 mA output. This dual communication, called “Flex-Hybrid Technology” at Anderson-Negele, is offered at no extra charge, and allows either analog or digital data transfer to the process controller. The combination of outputs is particularly advantageous if a company is planning a transition to digital data in the future but needs to interface with an analog output today.
Unlike other flowmeters requiring specialized interfaces to configure the meter at commissioning, IO-Link has the advantage that parameterization is made child’s play by an IO-Link master with the appropriate software. In cases where IO-Link is used directly to integrate this can be done remotely from the control center, an external computer or even via a smartphone app with secure access.
In summary, the FMQ provides the following features:
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