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Master Brewers Academy visits Anderson-Negele

13 Jul 2023

The Doemens Academy is a well-known German institute for training, education, and consulting in the brewing, beverage, and food industries. Students from all over the world come to study as brewmasters and brewing technicians. As part of their two-year postgraduate training course for brewing and beverage technologists, students also learn about instrumentation and sensor technology.

They had the opportunity to discuss with employees from development, product management, and sales in the German Anderson-Negele headquarters, and they were amazed by what they saw. In dialogue with the application specialists, there was a lively exchange about the special measurement requirements in brewing, but also an outlook into the future of digital plant technology with IO-Link.

The many questions and the animated discussions about technologies and applications showed the great interest and the high professional competence of the prospective brewing technologists, leading to positive feedback from both sides. The “Doemensians” left the visit “heavily impressed” with a wealth of information, suggestions, and background knowledge about process technology, and they thanked Anderson-Negele for the opportunity and hospitality.

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