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EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE – make your quality visible

30 Jun 2020

Many processes in the food and beverage industry are based on differentiating products according to qualitative characteristics such as turbidity, conductivity or concentration. Discrepancies in these criteria are often not easy to detect in practice but are crucial for the quality of the end product and for the efficiency of the process.

Manual sampling is one way of monitoring. However, experience has shown that this involves high personnel costs and uncertainties in the quality between samples.

Another common option for certain applications is time-controlled phase switching. Here, however, a safety buffer must be considered. This results in product losses and costs with every phase switch, as many liters of valuable product or cleaning agent are discharged into the wastewater.

Under the motto “EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE”, this is exactly where the analytical sensors from Anderson-Negele come in. They measure the media in the running process inline, continuously and in real time according to qualitative criteria, thus making the invisible visible and therefore your quality measurable.

The new brochure from Anderson-Negele entitled “Efficient Process Control” provides a comprehensive and substantial overview of the analysis sensors from the measuring instrument specialist. The brochure shows in detail the technical specifications, the special advantages in specific applications and the extensive configuration possibilities. It is divided into the measuring ranges turbidity (ITM-51 and ITM-4), conductivity (ILM-4) and refractometer (IRM-11).

Browse through the new brochure now! Just click here

Analytical sensors brochure

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