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Channel Partner Awards in India

Anderson-Negele in India held its Channel Partners Rewards and Recognition Program at the Fortive Office in Mumbai. The event celebrated the hard work and outstanding performance achieved by the Channel Partners in 2022.

7 Aug 2023

Anderson-Negele in India held its Channel Partners Rewards and Recognition Program at the Fortive Office in Mumbai. The event celebrated the hard work and outstanding performance achieved by the Channel Partners in 2022.

The Best Performing Channel Partner was awarded to JD Instrumentation, followed by Pinnacle Industrial Controls Pvt. Ltd. in second place.

In addition, we recognised our Partners with the Preferred and Authorized Certification for successfully completing their partnership programs.

CEO Cathy Clausen, Sales Director Stefan Hauck and Regional Sales Manager Jaydeep Patel congratulated all the winners on their exceptional performance and support in driving business in India. Their continuous dedication and support towards Anderson-Negele's business proves that we have strong partners who can drive our exponential growth in a challenging market like India.

Anderson-Negele India achieved double-digit growth in 2022, thanks to the valuable contribution of our channel partners and their immense efforts. We extend our sincere thanks to all our partners for making such great success possible.

Some of the highlights of 2022 include:

- A new record in projects won, thanks to a perfectly adapted product range, excellent service, and close partnerships with customers and business partners.

- Growing brand awareness with mid-size OEM and end-users, as well as an increase in MRO business, thanks to common communication campaigns.

- Product demos helped to increase sales.

- Focus on turbidity and conductivity sensors helped customers save resources, energy, and costs.

- Sales of level transmitters and especially of flow meters increased following the acquisition of GEA-Diessel.

- All verticals have shown growth.

Many of our end customers have acknowledged Anderson-Negele as the best hygienic company in terms of product quality and after-sales support. We can only achieve this with the help of our faithful distribution partners in India. We believe in your great potential, ability to outperform, and build excellent partnerships within the team and with our customers. We thank you all for your commitment towards growth.

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