Alimentos, Bebidas & Laticínios
Alimentos, Bebidas & Laticínios

LD3xiC Load Disc Compression Weighing Module

Sensores de Nível, Sistemas de Pesagem

The High-Precision Process Expert: Up to 0.03% accuracy in dynamic content control through weight measurement, extremely robust design with cage

The LD3xiC Load Disc “Heavy Duty” weighing systems dynamically measure the content level based on the container weight and precisely indicate even the smallest changes. The sensor is integrated in an extremely robust base housing, which compensates for e.g. static imbalances of the vessels and thermal expansion. This makes LD3xiC ideal for process, stirring and mixing vessels in food and industrial applications

  • Reliable, high-precision measurement even under alternating loads: Measurement accuracy up to 0.03% at loads from 5,000 to 10,000 kg
  • Extremely robust: The sensor is integrated in a cage that compensates for movement and imbalances
  • Flexible: Also for interchangeable vessels, e.g. ingredient containers
  • Always precise: Unlike level meters, thermal or density changes do not affect the measurement result
  • Can be relied upon: Kistler-Morse pioneered load cell technology. This is still the standard for load and content measurement
Principais benefícios:
Informação do Produto:

Datos técnicos

Comprimento de inserção Stainless steel 1.4542 (17-4 PH 900), brushed surface
Faixa de medição 5.000...10.000 kg
Precisão 0,03 % of rated load (=3,0 kg with rated load 10.000 kg)
Versões disponíveis Compact | Remote
Faixa de temperatura em processo -10...40 °C
Comunicação 5...15 V DC Full-Bridge


Webinar: Weighing Systems


Configuración y datos 3D