This dairy in Kentucky, a subsidiary of one of the leading dairies in the world, specializes in processing and packaging fluid
milk, and extended shelf-life products. With multiple HTST,
UHT, Storks and CIP systems running constantly, and paper
records being generated for each shift, QA spends a lot of time
collecting and reviewing up to 40 records per day. In a pilot
test run, this dairy installed one PPR with Legendary™ for
evaluation on their HTST system. QA made a direct comparison
against the previous paper-based solution and summarizes
the experience as follows:
- “The time saved for operators, supervisors and QA is
considerable” as manual steps are no longer required and
QA staff does not have to walk across the plant to collect
charts, and handle stacks of paper.
- “There are no more wet or damaged charts. The annotations are digitally recorded and therefore always easy
to read.” Data analysis is faster and more accurate than
before, as data quality is much better. QA no longer needs
to be on site to pick up the charts, they can send queries
to the operators through Legendary™ . Operators can then
respond and add additional annotations using the PPR
touchscreen display.
- Data collection is more reliable and secure. “Mechanical
failures of pen arms, motors and issues with ink cartridges that interrupt process recording are things of
past.” PPR records data 24/7 and makes it available in
Legendary™ in an industry-proven secured way.
- Archiving is easier. “There is no longer a need to store
shelves full of paper, and if an auditor requests charts
from a specific process or date, they can be retrieved in
seconds” using the Legendary™ software.
- “Our authorized staff has access to the data from any
mobile device and from any location.” For example, a QA
manager was able to view and approve process records
remotely during an absence from the plant.
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